The Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF) is a non-profit nature management organization based in Saba, Dutch Caribbean. Our mission is to commit to the preservation and enhancement of the marine and terrestrial environment on Saba through education, scientific research, monitoring, and enforcement.
The SCF has been operational as an organization since 1987. Over time, the organization has expanded the scope of its responsibilities and has grown as an organization. The SCF has a ten-member board, consisting of members of the local community, and seven full time employees. It is structured to manage a number of functions, including the management of Saba National Marine Park, the Saba Trail network, the Saba Trail and Information Centre.
History of Nature Conservation on Saba
Institutionalized forms of nature conservation in Saba date back to 1987, when the first protected area, the Saba Marine Park, was established and when the Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF) was incorporated. In developing policy and legislation for nature conservation and management, the Island Government works closely with the Saba Conservation Foundation, a private non-profit foundation. Furthermore, the SCF fulfills an important role as advisory body for Government and as management agency for protected areas.
The SCF has also been designated by Government as the management agency for the extensive trail system on the island. Although this is not a conservation activity per se, it is important to conservation in that a well-managed trail system promotes eco-tourism and stimulates conservation awareness.
In 1999 The "Saba National Land Park", a 43 ha pie-shaped tract of land on the north coast of Saba, formerly owned by the Sulfur Mining Company, was officially turned over to the Saba Conservation Foundation. The establishment of the Land Park began in January 1998 with grants from the Foundation DOEN and WWF-Netherlands. A management plan was prepared with support from the Dutch Government. Legislation to formally designate the area as a national Land Park will be submitted to the Island Government as soon as the Island Ordinance Nature Conservation has been prepared.
At present the only conservation legislation in place on Saba is the Marine Environment Ordinance (1987), which designated the Saba Marine Park, its zoning and regulations. However, once the Federal Ordinance Nature Conservation comes into force, the Island Government should be able to respond fairly quickly with its corresponding Island Ordinance Nature Conservation. The template for such an Island Ordinance is available, there is a clear idea about species that need to be protected through this ordinance, and there is reasonable agreement about the areas to be designated as protected areas.