Saba Marine Park

The Saba National Marine Park was established in 1987 with the objective to preserve and manage Saba's marine resources. The Saba Marine Park was not developed to repair a damaged environment but rather to ensure the continued quality of an extraordinary resource for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone.
The Saba Marine Park circles the entire island from the high-water mark to a depth of 60 m (200 feet), including the seabed and overlying waters. The total area is approximately 1300 hectares. A zoning plan divides the park for various recreational and commercial uses. A system of permanent mooring buoys facilitates diving and prevents damage to corals. One of the few self-sustaining marine parks anywhere in the world, the Saba Marine Park raises revenue through visitor fees, souvenir sales, and donations.

The Saba Marine Park is administered by the Saba Conservation Foundation. Access to the park is free for all residents of Saba. Visitors pay US$ 3 per dive.